Filing Express
Step 1 of 4 - State Details
Our team will check your desired name against the state registration database to determine name availability. This process reduces the likelihood of your documents being rejected by a state official.
Choose EXPRESS FILING and get your Articles filed FASTER and RECEIVE your filed documents via email & FedEx Overnight delivery!
B.I.Z. (Business Information Zone) is a FREE corporate compliance concierge tool that allows you to receive reminders for important due dates like tax deadlines & annual report filings, view and print official business documents all stored securely in the cloud.
The incorporator resolution is a document that is executed by the incorporator upon the formation of the company appointing the initial directors of the company. The incorporator resolution is included in every FilingExpress formation package.
Corporations and LLCs are required to maintain a registered agent. Please note that a Post Office Box or other “mail service” is often not sufficient to qualify as a registered agent. If you wish to keep your company’s address information confidential, designating FilingExpress to act as your registered agent affords you that extra added layer of privacy. FilingExpress can serve as your company’s registered agent for service of process in any state for an annual fee of $149 per year that is auto-renewed for your convenience.
Businesses are required to obtain a Federal Tax ID, also called an Employer Identification Number (EIN) which is used to identify the business entity. With FilingExpress's Tax ID service, we will obtain your company's Tax ID from the IRS once your business formation is approved by the state office.
Save time and money and have Corpnet staff provide you with a COMPLETED document, with all of your custom information. We’ll even add special provisions and text at your specific direction upon request.
Corporations and LLC’s are subject to many formalities after they are formed. CorpNet’s Corporate Kit & Seal for Corporations and LLC’s includes the tools your company needs to comply with these formalities and place for safekeeping of all of your business documents.Each quality binder is detailed in gold Customized with your corporate name foil stamped on the binder with matching slipcase. Your Customized LLC Kit will also contain the following additional items: Customized LLC Seal with your company name, state and year of Organization, 20 Personalized member Certificates containing your company name and state of Organization on the finest security paper available. The customized corporate Kit & Seal can be added as an upgrade to any CorpNet Basic or Deluxe package; however, you can take advantage of this upgrade FREE of charge when selecting the CorpNet Complete package.
Print Delivery: Your order includes free paperless delivery. You'll be able to download PDF versions of your documents. If you prefer to receive hard copies printed on quality paper, then add this option and your business documents will be mailed to you based on the processing speed that you choose.